Association between Ambient Dust, Air pollution and meteorological conditions, and Age-Related Cataract in Israel

In this nationwide study (2001-2022), we examined environmental risk factors for cataract development among 76,249 diagnosed patients and 152,498 matched controls in Israel, using Clalit HMO data. We linked individual air pollutant exposure estimates and meteorological factors to each subject, based on average levels in the year before diagnosis. Our results showed significant associations between cataract risk and several pollutants and weather factors, such as PM10 (RR=1.13, PM2.5(RR=1.12), CO(RR=1.2), temperature (RR=1.25), and humidity (RR=1.19), while ozone exposure was inversely associated (RR=0.88). These findings emphasize the importance of environmental considerations in cataract prevention, especially in high-exposure regions.